I got my phone serviced


Today, I got my phone serviced. The LCD and the touch screen was broken. I should get those parts changed. I brought my HP to a serviced counter in Bantar Gebang Bekasi yesterday. And this evening the phone was done.

I was very happy because the phone had been normal. I could use the camera. I thought I could be more productive creating better photo contents on Hive with my phone camera.

I could take some street photography easily. My phone could be put in my pocket. I could take a lot of pictures while riding.

The counter charged me IDR 300,000. I thought it was not expensive. The LCD was around IDR 120,000 and touch screen was IDR 80,000. The counter took the fee around IDR 100,000.

My rear camera of another phone is broken so I often use selfie camera to take photos on the street. It is difficult to get great angles. My S X430IS is also broken.

The camera LCD is broken too. I have not been taken my camera to the service center because it is expensive.

Street photographs will be easier with my smartphone in the future. I hope I can make better stories and photos.

Photos in my stories are very important. I can give more alive and interacting posts. It is just simple to stop on the side of street and touch the camera button. In a market , I can photo the products. The display of traditional market is interesting. It is sharable to Hive readers. With my smartphone, I can bring the street stories to my laptop. See my street photographs!
