I'll give all it takes to remain private

With billions of people on the planet and a constant hunt by hackers and even the government on individuals and corporate bodies, mostly through the use of facial recognition or data submitted, we can look at virtual identity (also known as online identity) either as an individual or as a group of persons as they should be viewed by other users.




A good number of users on social media are individuals who prefer to have their identities hidden from the public as a form of protection. Some of these individuals prefer to live simple lives, while others may not attract the eyes of the public. The government has policies that tend to regulate the amount of funds a single individual can have, especially in the face of a threatening digital currency like cryptocurrency. Good enough, the improvement to #web3 has promoted user anonymity and protection for users, such that individuals can have protection both for their assets and also for their faces.


Beyond financial gains, there are individuals who are public shy or introverts and may not want their identities known. We have people who just want to remain anonymous and hidden, maybe because they are camera shy. This could be a reason to stay incognito in public. Most times, these people have low self-esteem and may prefer to have their images hidden from the public.


Just like individuals, a group of people can come together physically and choose to have their identities hidden from the public. This group of individuals can be corporate bodies or organizations that want their identities hidden from the public.


Privacy refers to restricting the access of third parties to an individual, asset, or piece of knowledge. Privacy is a form of security or hedge that an individual or group of individuals holds on to so as to safely transact. Privacy is usually secured via passwords or encryption, with different levels of security. Keeping objects or images from third parties is a form of security employed to protect the object in focus.


Privacy comes in layers, too: middle- or low-level privacy, and depending on the degree or importance of such an item, so does the level of privacy attached to it.



A compromise or breach in privacy comes when the secured item has had its security open to the public. This could be a result of the owner releasing the keys or removing the privacy attached to them. Also, hackers could compromise the privacy of assets or an individual. The government can also impose the removal of restrictions placed by an individual or group of individuals as a result of public interest.


I have recently increased my engagements on social media and in the crypto space at large. My assets have gradually increased, even though not much, and this brings the need for more conscious privacy and security over the meager tokens I have accumulated. Leaving such assets at the mercy of the public would expose me to threats such as hacks or taxes from the government. Here in Nigeria, crypto and P2P remain banned, and having my privacy compromised would only endanger the government and sanctions. Or, perhaps, I could just remain incognito and stay faceless, with limited data exposed to the public. I would definitely give it all it takes to remain private. There is a saying,

'Speak only when you get to the peak.'

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