Home-Cooked Comfort: Why I Steer Clear of Fast Food


Image by fancycrave1 from Pixabay

it is that time of the year when days are actually longer than nights and in daytime you feel like hungry and crave for food.

In my family it's a weird thing since childhood days like we don't do lunch and our meal is just breakfast and dinner.

It's not like we're not foody but actually no one in the family feels like they want to eat lunch. I have seen people making things up about how breakfast is bad for health and all but in our case everyone's healthy eating breakfast and dinner.

Nowadays anyone can simply order meal from the app and it'll arrive within half an hour and now when days are longer I only added some snacks as meal.

Food that's Cooked at Home Vs Fast Food

It's rarely when I try fast food more like the junk food it is.. the oily things aren't good for health and i don't have any cravings like I'll eat a burger or such from the beginning.

I'm like a huge fan of food that's cooked at home especially by mom. There's no comparison of food at home and the fast food. Fast food isn't healthy, never will be.

It takes time to cook food at home and I do personally help my mom do kitchen things sometimes. Every time she asks me what to cook today.. my response is always "daal chawal" and she's like it's flowing in your veins ig. It's not just my favourite dish but family favourites as well.

My daytime meal nowadays

Like I said I never did lunch in the evening but now days are long and when I feel hungry I simply have noodles that takes about 3-5mins to cook.

Image by -Rita und mit from Pixabay

I can proudly make noodles and eggs as well as chai aka tea which is something enough to survive an epidemic.

The last time I ate fast food was about 5-6 months ago as far as I remember and I used to eat french fries a lot but it's been months now I've left that too.

I can't eat fast food

I'm not allowed to eat any fast food because when I do eat oily things like fries or burgers it just brings tons of blisters in the mouth.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

And there's nothing more painful than having mouth blisters. It can literally make your life a living hell, I drink water tons of times a day in this condition and can barely eat anything without pain.

So, no matter how hungry I'm and how long it will take for food to be cooked at home, I'll just wait for it.

Wrapping Up...

I believe there's a lot of us who prefer home cooked food over fast food and it just suits us well. I wonder how often you try fast food?

feel free to share your thoughts on this in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 16/05/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What? no lunch? I'm not sure I can go my day only eating breakfast and dinner.


we don't do lunch and our meal is just breakfast and dinner.

It's indeed weird. I'm never heard about such kind of thing in any family.

Homemade food is always best and I prefer it all the time. In rare cases I take fast food. Honestly I like the taste of fast food but I can't go for it because I need to think about health.


lol, I've not seen that too.

It's just our family thing from beginning just because of routine.. doing breakfast late and dinner early.

We're same, home cooked >> fast food.

