The Astonishing Abilities and Ambitions of Today's Kids


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Dear Hive Friend and Hive Learner Members,

Now days the kids are super active if I compare with the time we were kids. The technology has changes our lives so much and kids are not spare from same. It look like they are already learned many things form the mother's womb. They are so much sharp that that know the use of technology more efficiently then the many elders. My nephew is 12 year old and the was use to teach my father how to use the smart phone. Some time I thought that this may be because of the evolution in our grain and is genetically changing in every generation.


Technology attract almost all kids, every one want to play games on mobile and watch videos their favorite videos on internet. Their are some few who amaze us with their skills, it may be the singing, dancing, some games or some other activities. When I saw any kid in some talent show showing their extraordinary skills I always get amazed. They talent is unbelievable, their dance skills, the moment they shows during dance is outstanding. Many time I thought form where they ate learning all this and last conclusion is they works very hard and the skill they have is God's gift.


In year 2018 we blessed with our first kid - Gurseerat. She started speaking before she turned one and half year old t present she is 6 year old. The kids made us laugh and surprised us wit their some amazing abilities. She learned two magic world very fast - Please & Sorry. English is not our native language but we use to mix our native language with some everyday word of English. May be she picked those words form their. When ever she nee something she does not behave stubborn, may be because she know this will not help her. Instead of this she use to ask politely. For example if we are in super market and when to the toy section and she wants to purchase some toys she liked. Her are two options for us either we will say yes or no. I we say yes then all is good but if we says No she has very good trick to make us say yes. She use to ask us very politely with both her hand folded in Namaskar position - May you please buy this for me please. At that time she become so innocent that you will not have any option other then saying Yes. She us to play this trick many time and every time she was successful. In similar manner if she made any mistake she fold both her hands in Namaaskar position and says - Sorry Papa I do not this intentionally, forgive me. Even if I was energy after hearing her soft voice and looking at her innocent face I always become calm immediately.


I know one of my friend's boy, he is very good in academics and when at first time I meet him he was a school going boy and after talking to him for some time he surprised me with the ambitions he has for future about the technology and development. He looks very passionate about the technology and want to work on computer software field. His ambitions was to make a super computer which will help the county to grow faster and become one of the leading county in technology sector. He also shared the information on development going on in this field, even he was knowing the name of the projects form different countries working on similar technology. It was amazing and surprising to meet him, I was surprised that how a small kid of his age thing about so big (he was talking about helping the nation) and the information he was having with him. Some kids has God gifted talent and some learned form the situation and conditions around them. Many time the conditions around any kid made him mature before time, specially the financial burden because of any means. I have seen some kids around me who are very good in finance and very use the money very efficiently. They have very good bargaining power also which is not everyone's cup of tea.


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Hive: @guurry123
Discord: guurry123


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You are right. Kids with money skills are outstanding. I even think they are capable of handling other areas if they already master that. Regards @guurry123

