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No matter how small you are, as long as you are a human being, you will always have expenses even though you might not be the one paying for your expenses, somebody somewhere will pay for it, and if you don't have the job to also pay for your expenses, you can beg somebody for money but just know one way or the other, you must take money out of your pocket, and expenses are part of everybody's life. It is what we can not run away from, we all hate it but can't escape it.

Managing expenses is an important aspect of our lives that requires preparation. One common mistake people make is not accounting for both fixed and variable expenses, leaving room for unnecessary spending that can accumulate and add to our major expenses. By keeping track of our expenses on a monthly or weekly basis, we can avoid overspending on non-essential items that we may be tempted to purchase on impulse. As humans, we often act based on emotions, and this can lead to poor financial decisions. Therefore, having a clear plan for our expenses is essential.

Make yourself aware

Planning our expenses is crucial in helping us understand where our money goes. With a clear budget, we can easily identify what we can and cannot afford. This way, we are less likely to spend money on unnecessary things such as a Netflix subscription for shows we never watch or a gym membership we never use. Without a proper plan, we may end up wasting our money on things that do not add value to our lives.

Many people don't make plans because they feel like they don't have enough time or money. Our expenses can determine whether we retire early or not, it will also determine whether we will have savings or investments so it's important to take them seriously. Unfortunately, some people spend every penny they earn and don't have any savings or investments despite earning a lot of money. This can make it difficult to plan for the future. In order to support every other aspect of our life, it is crucial that we focus on managing our expenses. Budgeting is the key element that can help us create a solid plan for our expenses.


When I was younger, my mother always advised me to save money no matter how small the amount was. She believed that if you couldn't save when you had little, you wouldn't be able to save when you had more. To make a proper budget plan, you must control your emotions and put them in check. Creating a budget can be difficult, but it's essential to be able to save and resist the constant advertising we see on the internet from companies tempting us to spend our money. After creating a budget plan and successfully adhering to it without any difficulties, it will be easy for us to concentrate on other areas of our lives and not just spend money every month, but also invest it to work for us. With enough savings, we could even retire early and live a fulfilling life in the end.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I always do think and try my best to save some money for future, but sometimes I fail and spend lot of money on useless stuffs :(


We always being spending something: money, energy, time, etc.


Budgeting is really key. One of the things I have actually come to discover is that we can't actually escape Expenses. It will continually come day by day but we can discipline ourselves to spend when we ought to and not when we feel like.

And that is why having a good financial management is needed.


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The expenses add up over time. I think it's better to buy what you have to buy and anything else goes on a list. If I still want it after a few days, I buy it then because it's something that can help me avoid any emotions that are in the moment.
