A Yes man


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It is true that when we are doing something wrong, it is always difficult for us to know because, in our mind and our head, we might give ourselves a reason to justify what we are doing that is wrong. We need to have good people around us, they can easily spot what we are doing wrong and tell us to stop. it is very terrible to have a yes man around you alone, and you don't have people that can confront you and tell you you you're wrong so that you can be better.

It's always tempting to surround ourselves with people who agree with everything we say and do. But having a "yes man" can be detrimental in the long run. While they may try to avoid offending us and make us feel comfortable, they don't offer constructive criticism or help us grow. In fact, they may even become jealous of our success and distance themselves from us. It's important to have people around us who challenge us and push us to be our best selves.

It is not a much many people around you

People often keep a Yes Man around because they crave the feeling of importance. Some individuals go to the extent of using their wealth and influence to intentionally acquire Yes Men, as they believe fulfilling this craving is a crucial component of their purpose in life. They constantly surround themselves with such people, without considering their best interests.

It's important to realize that having a large number of people around us isn't necessary. Instead, we should focus on having a few valuable individuals in our inner circle who have our best interests at heart and who aren't afraid to be honest with us. These people will be the ones we can rely on for help and support when we need it most, and we won't have to worry about putting them in charge of important matters. Ultimately, it's better to keep our circles small and avoid the temptation to surround ourselves with people just for the sake of feeling important.

It is always better we categorize our friends and know them

Friends play a vital role in our lives by offering support and guidance. However, it's important to recognize the different types of friends we have and how they fit into our lives. Some friends may be there to help us in practical ways, while others may only provide emotional support. Additionally, we may have friends who are solely business associates. Categorizing our friends helps us to better understand our relationships and appreciate their value in our lives.

Categorizing your friends and acquaintances can be useful to understand who you can rely on in certain situations. However, it is important to keep in mind that sometimes those who you perceive as enemies can actually be beneficial to you when seeking advice or suggestions, it is best to consider the source and choose wisely.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Yep, 100% agree with this!

a few valuable individuals

That's all you really need to push you towards success!


You need to categorize things and I don't think saying yes to everything is a good thing. You will just get taken advantage of. If you can help, you can but you need to balance between your own needs.


It is important we do what works best for us and we must be able to know those have our best interest


There is always this joy I feel when I see someone tells me something that makes me feel bad even when I'm sad, lol. I might get angry for the fact that someone is correcting me but then I know that person is only helping me become better whether or not they have good intentions towards me.

This is something I feel everyone should read but it is what it is I guess. Great write up my mentor 🙌🥰


See whining o, you love to tease me sha.

We have those who correct us in a way to mock us but we also have those who do genuinely just to make us better.


Whining you? Which means I'm a yes man? Noooooo 😂, that has got to Change 🤣.

Oh yes! They try to say things to ridicule you but then you still take the sense out of the nonsense.


While they may try to avoid offending us and make us feel comfortable

Most times these people are mostly your friends because of what they stand to gain, so saying the truth which they think might “offend” you isn’t part of the plan.


Having people who only agree to everything you say can never end well in the long run and you'll soon realize how very lonely you are.

I'm not so happy when I'm corrected rightly but I'm grateful for it because it is an act of love on the person's part.


A yes Man is not there to offer any help, they are just there because of the benefits


You are right, friends can help you build or drag you in a very complex road.
Thank you for sharing
