Beyond Borders: Embracing Diversity while Upholding Tradition in India

Nowadays, things are changing a lot around us and especially as we are not of today's generation, you can say that the new children are becoming much sharper and cleverer and are also very intelligent. In fact, small children have a lot of curiosity and they have a lot of curiosity to learn things and know new things. Every child experiences changes in childhood. We also have a little girl in our house, she has just turned 3 years old in April and she is very smart and grasps things so quickly that sometimes it is a little surprising. Small children are like this.In front of me, I have seen some other children growing up in front of me and this is not the first time for me.

I don't know about other countries but here in India we all live with our parents throughout our life. Yes, this culture is gradually changing because everyone likes to live in a nuclear family. men like to live only with their wives and children but I don't have any such opinion till now, I don't think so, I like to live with my parents and other members and it has many advantages and yes disadvantages too. There is everything, but we don't live with everything because of its advantages and disadvantages, the culture here is like this.

take care.jpg

I have seen in many Hollywood movies that when children grow up a little, they leave their homes after becoming dependent and start their own families, but here in India, we all live our entire lifetime. I can say that we live with our parents all our life and perhaps this color makes us and them different. I don't know about other places but I am sharing about my place but gradually the color seems to be changing. Nowadays, because almost everyone has a job and money, they have to stay away from their parents and that is why they gradually move away from their parents in WhatsApp when they get married, they leave their parents with their new family but this is not the case everywhere, families take their parents with them and this is a good thing for Biharis because the parents who have taken care of you in your childhood. And the parents who raised you with so much love and affection should not leave you when they need you in their old age. I believe that you should help and serve them because as we grow older. Anyway, we keep needing people because our own bodies become weak and we gradually become more and more dependent.

Although nowadays most of the young generation remains engrossed in themselves. Yes, I am not any different, I also spend my free time in my room, but being close to one's parents also has its benefits and is also good because So you get a chance to take care of them and you also get the love of your parents. If you live with your parents and you are married, then they also get to spend time with your children. And it also takes care of your children and this is very important in today's understanding because nowadays if you live somewhere outside and have a job then along with that it becomes very difficult to raise children and nowadays a There is nothing to be done by the job. In many families, all the members of the housework and in such a situation, if there is no one in the house, then there is a big problem in raising children for this reason, many married couples do not even have children.



A lot of things are changing around us and our culture is also changing, people are slowly getting influenced by other cultures and are doing the same whereas we should not do this and should not forget our traditional things and we should try. We should be as loyal as possible to our culture and we should also make people aware of our culture and leave a good message for our future generations.

I believe here that we should not do anything out of greed for anything, we should not do anything for the sake of raising a child, but in the hope that children's will help us in old age or will serve us because the time is cloudy and we have less. We should try less to depend on others, if we become dependent then that is a very serious problem for us and it troubles us too. Many children these days choose their parents in old age homes or vridha Ashram. It is very sad that they are not even taking care of their parents when their parents love them. Keep in mind that it hurts so much to see. I am a new mother that we should serve our parents we should also inspire our young generation to serve and respect their parents and work for them throughout their life without any selfishness. Serve and love them from within.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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It is a tradition typical of their culture, which I really admire.

In North America, I understand that children have to leave home and be independent, it is supposedly very frowned upon in that country to stay and live with their parents.

In Latin America, families are eminently dedicated to the mother and children, so the father is relegated or in some cases forgotten and ignored.

It is inevitable that with the tremendous amount of communication today, some customs will be influenced, in one way or another, for better or worse.
It's complicated, the implications and how it happens.

As a very wise man I knew said: "change is the only permanent thing."


Totally agree with you sir, there are a lots of cultures all over the world, and everyone have there own believes.. I think we should took a good acte of our parents as they did for us when we were used to be a child. We should not forget how they have rased us.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Good day sir .

!giphy thank you so much


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I also hope that younger people can take care of the elderly, this is an act of solidarity. I know that each region has its own culture in relation to this, but it would be incredible if this were a universal concept.


Indeed, we should teach this our childrens and the young ones to follow the path. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

!giphy thank you so much



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Namaste🙏 bro, i am also living in joint family i know its best insted of living in a single family.
we can take example of corona time, single families was feeling like living in hell due to no one was around them that time.
But when i was corona positive my brother was with me all time. This post remember me lots of good and bad experience.


If I have it my way, I will live with my parent most of the time. But sometimes, life gets in the way, our paths go away from each other and we pursue different things. Developing basic self-independence is something that cannot be emphasised enough, I think it's quite necessary in today's world where almost everyone is so engrossed in their own lives.


Our culture gives us the lesson to take care of our parents in their old age and not to leave their hands. If you need to move to town then I think you can bring your parents there also and I think it's not so difficult. To be honest, in this case, I feel proud of my culture and I think we should not try to change it either.
