Why are we still early?



Yesterday there was a speech in the Ohio State University made by Christopher Pan. What it makes it interesting is the content of his speech. At one point he started preeching Bitcoin and the reaction of the crowd was disaproval and boos.

So I know this might feel polarizing, but I encourage you to keep an open mind. Right now, I see Bitcoin as a very misunderstood asset class

And followed by:

In the early days, the exchanges for Bitcoin were prone to hacks and fraud. But the issue has been resolved with the recent launch of the Bitcoin ETFs backed by two of the world’s largest asset managers, Blackrock and Fidelity

You can see this moment in the video below:

We are very early

The fact that the crowd was booing at him when he said these words is the best prove that we are still very early. One could think that university students would be more open minded about new ideas for various reasons. They are young, and some of them don't feel identified with any politician.

In theory, they are well positioned to understand Bitcoin, test it, and finally get orange pilled.

This video shows clearly that we are not in an advanced phase of the adoption curve, in fact, I would say that we are VERY, VERY EARLY.

Big opportunity

When you discover something new, sometimes there is a big opportunity to invest in early and get big rewards.
We are exactly at that stage, these people will be mid term adopters or laggards. They will come late to the party, don't be like them.

Have a great day!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
