Baron's Bounty Promo Event Is An Opportunity For Buyers

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Hello, guys welcome back to the new post of Splinterlands social media challenge today we are going to talk about Barun’s bounty promo event powered by Spinterlands and this special event organized to celebrate Bitcoin halfing event and Bitcoin halving event is tomorrow and when I am writing this post it’s 11 hours remaining. We can say that Bitcoin halving is around the corner and it is a historical event it is a big event for all crypto enthusiasts and Crypto investors.

There are two new cards available and they are limited edition this is like an opportunity for those who want to buy these two new cards. Because they are perfect in the gameplay now you should have a question about how I know about that so if you are an old player then you can understand the abilities of the cards and after seeing the abilities and features of the card you can easily predict the battles. this event lasts for 15 days and in these 15 days we can grab this opportunity so what is the opportunity? If you are purchasing these particular monsters by using Dec and credit you have to pay only 50% of the total and you can say it is a 50% discount that is why I am calling this an opportunity.

Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer Are the cards that you can buy during this event so if you are not prepared for this event then you have to prepare for it and that’s why I’m sharing this post with you. Baron Fyatt is a magic attack monster and it has 5 mana, 2 attacks, 2 speed, and 6 health. Also, it has halving, scattershot, ambush, and blind abilities. You already know how these abilities work which is why I’m not sharing details regarding abilities but these abilities are very good especially that halving ability is rare so that is why these cards are very important for you.. The good thing is I also have halving Ability Monster in my collection but still buying this one is really good and beneficial for me.

Henchling Enforcer Another powerful monster with 6 mana, 4 attacks, 4 health 2 armours, and 5 health and this is a ranged attack monster. It has abilities like halving, true strike, and camouflage abilities. As I said above I am not going to share more details regarding abilities because this is not the post of card to share card details so if you want to know more about these abilities then I will share a separate post. So card two has two halving abilities and as I said it is a rare ability so you don’t miss a chance also it has 4 attacks ranged so it is really great.


This halving ability is unique because when a monster with a halving ability attacks the opponent monster, the opponent monster's attack will be cut in half and this has a big impact on the opponent that is why the halving ability is very good and it can help you to win difficult battles in the splinterlands that is why I believe that halving ability card will boom in the future so you should not miss these two cards.

so hope you found this post helpful do not forget this post on social media using #play2earn and #splinterlands tags and also do comment below have a good day

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥


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