A Lucky Day [ESP-ENG]

Copia de Copia de Negro y Blanco Amarillo Neón Desgastado Moderno Producto Video Promocional (2).gif


hello hello, I hope you are well dear community, today I come to tell you what happened to me a few days ago, well... it was fun, but I almost kissed the ground (hahaha). Riding a bike in the city is fun and that will not change even if I fall (I'll tell you how it was going to happen).



When I left home everything was fine, the bike didn't present any problem. I tested the gears, the front brake (the only one that works) and everything was working as it should. After a couple of kilometers, something strange happened to me. I stopped pedaling to go alone with the speed I already had and I felt like someone was pushing the pedals (the ghosts wanted to help me hahahahaha). It was very strange and when I saw, there was a lot of chain left over from the top (first time that happened to me).

I thought it was something momentary, but ... it was not, when I let the bike run alone, it started to sound very ugly; while pedaling I looked and it was the fault of the rear derailleur (which was in the plans to change it, it is already very old and I had the feeling that it was going to die). I was not very surprised that it was that component of the bike, what bothered me was the sound and I was afraid that it was going to get into the rim and that was going to hurt me more than falling (hahahaha).



Well, with the annoying noise and seeing how bad it was, I wanted to make a video and making the video in the middle of the street, I realized that there was a car nearby and when I braked it was very strong. Fortunately I was going at a slow speed and the steering wheel did not turn, otherwise I would have had an accident.

Following the route of my delivery, well ... a few meters later I realized that the front brake was not responding well, which on the way back to my house I forgot and at one point I grabbed a lot of speed and .... when I needed it, to pass a parking ramp that is on the sidewalks, and luckily the front shock absorber still works, because, otherwise... that was my second accident of the day.



Luckily, the 2 times were just scares, nothing else was damaged on the bike apart from the derailleur (which I don't know how it ended up getting damaged). For the next one I know I have to be more careful, although I hope for the next adventure to have the new derailleur (which I already ordered) and continue enjoying the speed on the bike without problems (I have to fix the brakes too).


A Big Hug And Thanks For Reading Me.


I N G L E S -- I N G L E S


hola hola, espero se encuentren muy bien querida comunidad, hoy vengo a contarles lo que me paso hace unos días, qué bueno... estuvo divertido, pero casi beso al suelo (jajaja). Andar en la ciudad en bicicleta es divertido y eso no va a cambiar aunque me caiga (ya les contaré como iba a ocurrir).



Cuando salí de casa todo estaba bien, la bici no presento ningún problema. Probé los cambios, el freno delantero (el único que funciona) y todo estaba funcionando como debería. Pasado un par de kilómetros, me paso algo extraño. Deje de pedalear para que fuera sola con la velocidad que ya tenía y siento como que alguien me empuja los pedales (los fantasmas me querían ayudar jajajja). Se me hizo muy extraño y cuando vi, sobraba mucha cadena de la parte de arriba (primera vez que me pasaba).

Pensé que era algo momentáneo, pero... no fue así, cuando dejaba que la bicicleta corriera sola, comenzaba a sonar muy feo; mientras pedaleaba mire y era culpa del cambio de atrás (que estaba en los planes de cambiarlo, ya está muy viejo y tenía el presentimiento que se iba a morir). No me sorprendió mucho que fuera ese componente de la bicicleta, lo que sí me molestaba era el sonido y con miedo de que se fuera a meter en el rin y eso si me iba a doler más que caerme (jajajaja).



Bueno, con el ruido molesto y ver que tan mal estaba el asunto, quise hacer un video y haciendo el video en plena calle, me percate que había un carro cerca y cuando frene fue muy fuerte. Menos mal iba a poca velocidad y no se me volteo el volante, o sino si fuera tenido un accidente.

Siguiendo el recorrido de mi entrega, pues... a los pocos metros me di cuenta de que ya el freno de adelante no estaba respondiendo bien, cosa que de regreso a mi casa lo olvide y en un momento agarre mucha velocidad y... cuando lo necesite, para pasar una rampa de estacionamiento que hay en las aceras, y menos mal que aún funciona la amortiguación delantera, porque, sino... ese fuera ha sido mi segundo accidente del día.



Por suerte, las 2 veces fueron solo sustos, no se dañó otra cosa de la bicicleta aparte del cambio (que no sé cómo termino de dañarse). Para la próxima sé que debo tener más cuidado, aunque espero para la próxima aventura tener el cambio nuevo (que ya pedí) y seguir disfrutando de la velocidad en la bicicleta sin problemas (tengo que arreglar los frenos también).

Un Gran Abrazo y Gracias Por Leerme.


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You really should get your rear brake fixed. When you have to make an emergency stop with only your front brake you will be launched 😕

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hello, the truth is, I really need the rear brake for safety, we'll see if I can buy them by next week.


If not you could try to move your front brake to the back. That is safer.


Congrats my friend, it shows you're a smart rider, at least you escaped the accident, but I hope that acts like a caution so you can get your brakes and gears fixed... Your safety is paramount...

As for me if I noticed the slightest weird noise with my bike it's straight up to the service man's shop hahahaha...

I just love everything to be perfect and sound when I'm riding 😂....

It was a lovely read my friend @eliudgnzlz


I am my own mechanic and I more or less know how much I can do in case of emergency and if something sounds, sometimes it's just a matter of tightening something loose.

A big hug


Say thanks to Allah you remains safe and peaceful.And next time beware this kind of incidents.Stay wealthy
