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In my previous posts, I emphasized the importance of protecting our reputation, While we are often taught to avoid seeking attention, it is not inherently bad to do so. The key is to seek attention positively and respectfully. Unfortunately, many people who crave attention go about it in the wrong way, which can lead to negative consequences. However, even negative attention can have its advantages, although it may also lead to ridicule or contempt.

Many individuals possess great talents that set them apart from others and could make them wealthy. However, the key to success lies in knowing how to seek attention and gain recognition. Not all beautiful people in an organization are truly the most beautiful or talented. Sometimes, it's the way they carry themselves that makes them stand out. It's crucial for individuals to learn how to seek attention and promote their abilities, as this is essential for success.

Many companies that charge more for their services are the ones that invest heavily in advertising to get people's attention. Even if better products are available in the market, they may not be successful if they lack proper attention. Unfortunately, small companies often do not receive the recognition they deserve, and larger companies may even copy their inventions the major difference here is one has better attention and the other does not.

Attention is Gold in our present world

Time and attention have always been valuable assets in life, especially when utilized effectively. Nowadays, individuals who refer to themselves as "influencers" are essentially garnering people's attention to promote themselves, increase their social media following, and even advertise products on their page. The reason behind their success is their ability to capture people's attention, a skill that is lacking in about 90% of the population.

Social media influencer jobs can be extremely lucrative, with daily, weekly, and monthly pay. The key to success in this field is the ability to capture people's attention. Attention has always been a valuable commodity, as people have sought recognition throughout history. While having attention can certainly help one's chances of success, it's important to remember that attention is necessary for all areas of life. Whether it's to improve oneself, gain recognition, or earn respect, attention is a valuable resource that should not be overlooked.

Seek attention

On Hive, it's tough to stand out from the crowd and get rewarded for your content due to the competition. However, seeking attention is the key to success. Everyone is doing the same thing, but not everyone knows how to differentiate themselves. success on Hive proves that just writing articles every day might not be sufficient. To outshine others in the community, you need to learn how to grab attention.

Success is often hindered by the fear or inability to handle attention, which many people shy away from. However, the type of attention we seek is what truly matters. Seeking positive attention can lead to increased recognition, opportunities, and even help from others. Therefore, it's important to embrace and utilize attention, rather than fear it. Attention is a valuable commodity in our modern world, and those who know how to use it effectively are more likely to succeed.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you for this informative article
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I agree with positive attention. However, for those that are just looking for attention without providing value, I do think that eventually the market will realize. For example, those attention seekers will eventually see people move away as they realize that their views are just kind of irrelevant. In a way, I think you need to capture people's attention and try to add value as well.


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We definitely live in an attention driven world and learning to capture attention has become important to succeed in this world. Seeking attention often gets a bad wrap when it's just attention, but when there's more than just attention, then that can work well and become sustained in the long run.
