Splinterlands | Plans Going into Year 7!

It is a very tricky time right now for Splinterlands after the game is going into its 7th year. These are my personal plans at the moment.

Splinterlands Sentiment

Splinterlands now has been in the Death Spiral for a long time where earnings decrease which makes more players leave which push down asset values which decrease earnings which makes more players leave all while nothing new has been added to the gameplay for a long time. Bots still completely ruin the experience for real players while there was another big obvious mistake made by the team last week pushing prices down more.

Jackpot Chests Were released in the Glints store allowing players to get some rewards with real value attached to them. However, allowing players to get 100 chests at the base price with each having a 1% chance to get a Jackot price was a massive miscalculation as a big part of the reward pool was depleted within hours and all assets won were dumped which crashed the prices on the market since there basically is no demand anymore as there is no utility.

On top of this, a lot of energy was given out which only really bots are able to use since nobody has time to grind hours and hours of Splinterlands every day. As I was semi taking a break from the game letting my energy sit at 50 oftentimes, I missed the 10-hour window to get these jackpot rewards before they were nerfed by a factor of 10. This is yet another example where they devs just totally screwed up making it even harder to trust them to fix the situation.

My Splinterlands Situation Right Now

I hold a lot of older assets in the game and quite some SPS which I both always have seen as Long term investments. These continue to go down in value week after week as more players are leaving each day and nobody new is coming into the ecosystem. Where I currently Stand.

1. I don't want to be forced to play 1 Hour+ Daily

This is one of the major flaws for Splinterlands as you can't just play to have fun and potentially earn a bit at times when you want but you need to either play daily for a long time or run a bot in wild. The reality right now at the current SPS earnings of ~30 SPS daily which equally below ~0.4$ is that it's a total waste of time just to play for the rewards. This is a dynamic that has to be fixed one way or another but there is zero indication that it will ever change which is highly frustrating.

2. I don't want to Run a Bot or use a Rental Service

I have tested a bot service in the past but it's too much of a hassle for me and I don't really want to give my posting key away or have part of the earnings taken from me automatically. These are the main reasons I don't want to use a bot anymore. Splinterlands should also not be a game where 90%+ of all battles are just submitted optimally by bots and where real players are forced into Modern which is crazy expensive and where you are sure to get crushed on the value of the cards that you need to be competitive.

3. I don't want to Exit and Sell at the current Bottom Prices

If there is ever a new Euphoria stage in Splinterlands I will start to exit and move on from the game. Right now simply isn't the time and I'm willing to go down with the ship in case everything literally would go to zero.

4. I Want to continue Playing Brawls.

The brawls and having the group feeling of a Guild (even though activity there is also at an all-time low) remain the most fun aspect of the game. One of the reasons I don't want to leave is because I don't want to let the guild down so I want to keep playing the Brawls which don't take up a huge amount of time.

5. I Want to Keep Blogging About the Game.

The reality is that by far the most that can be earned in the Splinterlands Ecosystem is by blogging about the game which is still something that I enjoy. I said last week that this is one of the things that actually keeps me in Splinterlands and it really is like that.

6. I Want Increase my Staked SPS.

I still believe that there will be better times at some point and there also is still somewhat of a loyal player base who enjoy the game for what it is and are willing the throw money in a black hole to play and be competitive. Just this along with the fact that the SPS Dao still holds a ton of non Splinterlands Assets with 1.6+ Million in value should act as something of a price support for SPS. In that regard, just owning SPS is something I'm interested in longer term especially at current price or in case it would go even lower which is not impossible.


Being an investor and players in Splinterlands right now is just highly frustrating in every aspect and it's also hard to have a lot of faith seeing how many obvious mistakes are made by the devs over and over again. What softens the pain is the fact that I'm fully in the green even if everything would crash down to zero. The way things are right now, my hands are fully tied as I don't want to leave and sell at current prices while I'm also not willing to waste hours each day just for 0.4$ of earnings. So I will just have to put up with the fact that it all sucks right now hoping for better times and not getting the most out of it now.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think this bull run is really surprising many in that not everything is pumping for just no reason like in previous bull runs. Perhaps this could be because retail is not really here yet? There is something skewed in the rewards if a bot can earn 10x more than a real player, I don't know how this can be fixed.

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Aside from Bitcoin, It's mainly all the new coins going up because all the old ones have a lot of bag holders. I guess the same is the case for Splinterlands. It could be seen with the jackpot chests and how all earned assets got just dumped on the market for $$$.

The game simply needs to be more fun and accessible for new players. Right now, everything is overly complicated and still expensive to get into. Max-level monsters in a way have become the norm which is nuts and should only really be something achievable for real whales.

I also think retail isn't here yet, BTC likely needs to go above 100k for that to happen. When they do come, I also expect them all to flood into memecoins which are just way attractive, addictive and fun compared to something like Splinterlands or Hive.

I guess time will tell.


I think you have hit the nail on the head there. Re retail, I am leaning towards this too, the setup for them has been prepared in Solana and could rip nicely!


This game doesn't reward bought card ownership enough. Really hoping the CP proposal that passed gets implemented quickly.

If there is ever a new Euphoria stage in Splinterlands I will start to exit and move on from the game.

Think a lot of people are thinking the same thing.


Yeah, that is the reason why it's much harder for older projects to pump. Too many bag holders that want to pump. The game just needs to improve in a way where it's fun to play and easy to get into without the need to throw a fortune at it first.

My belief in the team after yet another big mistake that was made with the Jackpot chest pricing is far to be found though.


Times sure are tough for card holders, the way I see it is that we haven’t made a loss until the moment we sell.

Don’t forget that we are looking forward to sps validators to happen and as you say the DAO is very strong.

I am a little bit disappointed with the yield on the hive:sps pool being reduced, its almost better to just stake the sps now.
