The Three Essential Rules Every Investor Must Follow


Investment is not as easy as we think but it needs your best of knowledge and your best skills in order to do it properly.

In this post I will share some of the tips to you guys regarding investment, which will help you to invest your money properly.

It is obvious that investment have some of the rules which must be follow otherwise, it will end in Loss.

If you want to be a good investor, you must follow the 3 basic rules, which will surely give you a good move towards investment field.

One of the main and basic thing and the most important thing is to build your patience. While investing you must have a great patience which stops you taking emotional decisions.

Therefore, Patience is the best thing in term of investment which will give you a good long-term benefit.

The second rule for becoming a good investor is that always invest your amount in steps never invest all of your money at once rather keep on investing in different steps and phases.

The third rule of the investment is to always have a proper check and balance of your investment. Don't leave your your investment without checking

There are many investors who after investing hold it for around 5 to 6 years without Having proper check and balance.

In this meantime, you can grab a huge benefit if you have proper check and balance.

These are the 3 main rules of investment and for becoming a good investor.

What do you people think about these rules? Will it be helpful for proper investing? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

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Thank You!
Best Wishes.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I do find it to be true even in acquiring any skill, step 1 brings calmness and eliminate get rich quick syndrome, step brings about peace of mind and recognition of progress and step 3 show consistency and help liquid at the highest point possible which will add to your experience in the long run, that's really good.
That's going on my academy I'm trying to build here on hive about attaining a better life.


You are right about the primary "to-do'es" of investment, what I think out of it, most people genuinely lose long term interests.
If desired results arent made, frustrations add on and let one to lose grip of hope - for lack of patience.

But without it the journey would doom to nothingness for sure.


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